IGHR to Relocate from Samford University in 2017

On May 22nd, Samford University Media Relations announced that IGHR would relocate to an undetermined location beginning in 2017.  The 2016 IGHR will be the last held at Samford University.  IGHR began at Samford in 1962.

The press release cites competing institutional priorities.  The IGHR Advisory Board hopes to keep the Institute in the South.



AGS Spring Seminar March 28th

From our Friends at the Alabama Genealogical Society:

The Alabama Genealogical Society Spring Seminar will be held on Saturday, March 28, 2015, at Samford University in Birmingham.  Registration will open at 8:30 a.m.  The seminar will end at 3:45 p.m.

The speaker is Michael John Neill.  Michael has written hundreds of genealogical how-to articles and currently writes the weekly newsletter Casefile Clues and “Genealogy Tip of the Day”.  He has lectured to genealogy groups across the country on a wide variety of topics.   

He will speak on Research Refocus:  Maximizing Online and Offline Resources.  Individual topics are:     

“Tried and Tested Tidbits”

            “Researching the Entire Family”

            “Organizing Online Research”

            “I Found It – Now What”

Lunch will be on your own.  The campus cafeteria and food court will be open.  Registration must be received by March 23 in order for your information to be included in the surname booklet.

Marcia Collier will have her books available for sale from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. 

For additional information about the speaker and to print the registration form go to http://algensoc.org/main/SeminarFlyer.pdf  or google Alabama Genealogical Society and click on “Seminar”.

Applications for the Jean Thomason Scholarship for IGHR are due by December 1, 2013,

From our Friends at IGHR:

Applications for the Jean Thomason Scholarship for IGHR are due by December 1, 2013, and will be reviewed by a Samford University Library committee. The winner will be announced in January.

Please include the following in your application:

* Name * Address * Email * Phone * The name of the Library where you are employed * The length of time you have worked in a library * The average number of hours (monthly) spent working with patrons * The name of the course you plan to attend (2014 Course offerings available at http://www4.samford.edu/schools/ighr/IGHR_courses.html) * In 500 words or less (1 printed page), a description of how participation in this course will benefit your patrons * A letter of support from a supervisor or colleague

Please send your application:

Via email to: jszurek@samford.edu

Via regular mail to: Thomason Scholarship Samford University Library 800 Lakeshore Drive Birmingham, AL 35229

For more information or to submit your application via email, visit the IGHR website at http://www4.samford.edu/schools/ighr/IGHR_scholarship.html.

Public Closure of the GA State Archives Effective November 1, 2012

Press Release from Georgia Secretary of State:

September 13, 2012

Statement from Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp on Public Closure of the State Archives Effective November 1, 2012
The Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget has instructed the Office of the Secretary of State to further reduce its budget for AFY13 and FY14 by 3% ($732,626). As it has been for the past two years, these cuts do not eliminate excess in the agency, but require the agency to further reduce services to the citizens of Georgia. As an agency that returns over three times what is appropriated back to the general fund, budget cuts present very challenging decisions. We have tried to protect the services that the agency provides in support of putting people to work, starting small businesses, and providing public safety.

To meet the required cuts, it is with great remorse that I have to announce, effective November 1, 2012, the Georgia State Archives located in Morrow, GA will be closed to the public. The decision to reduce public access to the historical records of this state was not arrived at without great consternation. To my knowledge, Georgia will be the only state in the country that will not have a central location in which the public can visit to research and review the historical records of their government and state. The staff that currently works to catalog, restore, and provide reference to the state of Georgia’s permanent historical records will be reduced. The employees that will be let go through this process are assets to the state of Georgia and will be missed.

After November 1st, the public will only be allowed to access the building by appointment; however, the number of appointments could be limited based on the schedule of the remaining employees.
Since FY08, the Office of the Secretary of State has been required to absorb many budget reductions, often above the minimum, while being responsible for more work. I believe that transparency and open access to records are necessary for the public to educate themselves on the issues of our government. I will fight during this legislative session to have this cut restored so the people will have a place to meet, research, and review the historical records of Georgia.

Jared S. Thomas
Press Secretary
Brian P. Kemp, Secretary of State
214 State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30330
404-656-4269 phone
404-656-0513 fax

FGS Conferences Continues Today in Birmingham

Please come by and see us in the Exhibit Hall (East Exhibit Hall at the BJCC).  You do not have to be a registered conference participant to access the Exhibit Hall.  The vendors and societies participating are numerous… and LOTS of special “conference only” deals from the vendors (book vendors, software vendors, genealogical websites).  This is the last day of FGS 2012 and the Exhibit Hall will be open until 3pm.

Hope to see you there!


Birmingham Family History Center Family History Fair Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Birmingham Family History Center will have a Family History Fair on Saturday, July 21st from 9am to 3pm.   The event is free, but pre-registration is encouraged. Check-in begins at 9am.  The classes are from 10am until 3pm, changing each hour, so you can attend up to 5 classes.  Lunch will be available between 11am and 1pm.

Some presenters include Lafe Peevler, Karl Seitz, Patricia Coleman, Yvonne Crumpler, Nancy Dupree, Donald Debrow, Ann Holloman, Ken Record,  Anne Norris, Dan Tindall, James Blackston, & John Patterson.
Topic include beginning your research, technology, organizing your research, specific location research and much more.  See the website for more information and to register.  (When I checked earlier this week 3 classes were already full.)

Birmingham Member Day July 21, 2012

Do you have a membership with any of the many cultural attractions in Birmingham? If so, on July 21st you can use your membership in one organization to visit another for free.

Participants include the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame, Alabama Ballet, Barber Motorsports Museum, Birmingham Children’s Theatre, Birmingham Botanical Gardens, Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, Birmingham Museum of Art, Scrollworks, Birmingham History Center, Sidewalk Film Festival, Birmingham Zoo, Embellishments Handbell Ensemble, McWane Science Center, Red Mountain Theatre, Birmingham Public Library, Southern Museum of Flight and Vulcan Museum. Get more details on the Birmingham Mom’s blog.

Last Day for FGS Conference Early Bird registration … prices goes up July 1st

If you plan to register for the conference, and have not done so… you should do so today. The is the last day of Early Bird Registration and the price for Early Bird is $195.00. After today the registration fee will go up to $245.00 for the conference.

The conference is scheduled for August 29 to September 1, 2012. Take advantage of the Early Registration Discount by registering at fgs.org/2012conference/registration.

FGS conferences provides a great opportunity to associate with others who are interested not only in genealogy and family history, but those with common interests in the same geographic or ethnic groups that interest you. NETWORKING is a valuable outcome of every conference and you will want to make as many new friends as possible. Numerous meal functions will give you an added opportunity to make new acquaintances.

The nation’s genealogical vendors will bring their goods and services to an overflowing free exhibit hall and you will be able to browse, network and learn from a variety of experts in their field of specialty.